New Min Min Light Sighting!
Sightings of the mysterious Min Min Light phenomena are reported every year in Boulia. The most recent was reported to the Boulia Visitor Information Centre in May 2019...
"So staying in our caravan on a property at Macsland, on our third night sitting up chatting, we saw a light heading directly towards us. Thinking it was a motorbike we watched the light. Then it disappeared.
I was waiting to hear someone get off the bike and hear the footsteps on the gravel, but heard nothing. Next morning we checked with the people that own the property if a motorbike came in during the night. They said no there were no bike tracks."
Don & Lee-Ann
Maryborough, Queensland
30 May 2019
Macsland is 23 kms east of Boulia.

actual photo of Min Min Light taken in 2018