18 - 20 july 2025



Games and Silly Races

Between the camel races, when the camels have cleared the track, we crank up the 'silly' meter for some novelty games and races.  

Put your hand up and join in the fun of tug-o-war, sack races and other crazy challenges.  The fun of the games is led by races favourites The Crack-up Sisters!

Family Fun & Fireworks

The whole program of events is a blast for the entire family, but to top it off there is a huge fireworks show and children’s activities throughout the day.

Camel Tagging

Camel Tagging is a crowd favourite and every year we get excited for this! It’s easy to explain, but not so easy to do.

Contenders enter an arena where a few young and lively camels are waiting. The object is to ‘tag’ a camel by sticking a piece of duct tape on it, then run back to the starting position, only to have to then chase down that same camel to retrieve the tape and finally return to the judge at the starting position. The fastest contender wins, but it's not an easy task, so one could say that any who walk away without a bruise to their pride, are winners!


Live music and dancing

When the dust has settled on the racetrack and the stunning outback sunset has finished its show, the evening program is just starting to heat up.  Friday and Saturday nights will feature live entertainment and of course the bar is open until late. 

It’s around the evening campfires when some of the best times and memories are forged with new found Boulia friends, sharing a yarn and vowing to meet again next year under the big skies of Boulia.



“…they had this crazy competition called camel tagging. The young camels, under 2 years old, were let into an arena and mad people bought the right to put some sticky duct tape on them then try and get it off.

Camels can kick in all directions and they all demonstrated their ability to do this, with several contenders getting a good kick in the ribs, one in the nose and one in a much more painful place. I thought the camels looked like they were doing the Argentinian Tango the way their legs flipped out every which way.”

Rosemary Robinson Melbourne, Vic

Read more about Rosemary’s Boulia adventure here


Boulia Camel Races Inc
PO Box 70
Boulia Qld 4829

M 0428 581 874