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'Australia's Richest Camel Races'

Join us in Outback Queensland for the iconic Boulia Camel Races from 18 - 20 July 2025

BOULIA CAMEL RACES 18 - 20 July 2025

As the camels come hurtling down the track through the plume of red dust, you’ll have one of those ‘this is epic’ moments.

The big final - The Better Beer Cup is Australia's most prestigious camel race win, being the longest and the richest in Australia!  It's the culmination of 2 days of professional camel races.

It’s an outback adventure, in the land of the legendary Min Min Light, sharing extraordinary events with a bunch of new friends.

Beyond the camel races you’ll find live entertainment, food, fireworks, children’s amusements and a host of novelty races.  

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We've got a packed program of racing that won't disappoint!!


Boulia is like another another planet!  Remote and vast, on the edge of the Simpson Desert.


Nightly campfires while camping under the stars or luxury glamping!


Want to be the first to hear when tickets go on sale and get updates about the races?  Join our email list here...


Check out what's on offer



Get trackside Saturday morning for the start of the camel race heats. They’re run over 400m and camels placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd will progress to the 1000m heats held Saturday afternoon.

To progress all the way to Sunday’s Final of the Boulia Cup, camels will have competed over 400m and again over 1000m. The Final for the big prize money is run over 1500m and you’ll be barracking for your favourite for a little over 2 ½ minutes before they lumber over the finish line.


Camel Tagging is a crowd favourite and quite simply you just can’t miss this!

It’s easy to explain, but not so easy to do. Fearless contenders enter an arena where a few young and lively camels are waiting. The object is to ‘tag’ a camel by sticking a piece of duct tape on it, then run back to the starting position, only to have to then chase down that same camel to retrieve the tape and finally return to the judge at the starting position. The fastest contender wins, but the crowd are the real winners with the laughs from the sidelines Outback gold!


When the dust has settled on the racetrack and the stunning outback sunset has finished its show, the evening program is just starting to heat up. There’s live music and dancing, plus an auction raising money for the annual event and of course the bar is open until late.

It’s around an evening campfire when some of the best times and memories are forged with new found Boulia friends, sharing a yarn and vowing to meet again next year under the big skies of Boulia.


Welcome to Outback Queensland for the Boulia Camel Races.

This is truly an iconic event, combining the excitement of race day with the unique landscapes of Outback Queensland.

The Queensland Government is proud to support this event, as part of Tourism and Events Queensland’s Destination Events Program. Events are an important part of Queensland’s tourism economy, driving visitation and supporting local jobs.

If you’re visiting Outback Queensland, thank you for your support of the region. I encourage you to get out and explore the beauty and wonder of this part of Queensland.

An Outback Queensland Adventure!

A trip to Boulia Camel Races is an epic road journey from whichever direction to approach!  Check out these great videos to help plan your journey through the towns and areas surrounding Boulia.

Channel Country Drive (starting Winton to Boulia)

Diamantina Bedourie Loop (Boulia to Diamantina NP and Bedourie)

Drovers & Pioneers Trail (Mt Isa to Boulia via Urangangie)

Outback Camel Festival Trail (Bedourie, Boulia to Winton)

Our Event Partners

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Boulia Camel Races Inc
PO Box 70
Boulia Qld 4829

M 0428 581 874